Friday, 31 August 2012

SJI: Cluny "Riverside Night" Photos

Thanks to Chris Moody for posting these terrific photos to Facebook. They were taken at the Cluny during the fundraising gig for the Riverside Movie.

Blogger only lets me upload so many at any one time, so there are a couple more here.

SJI: Almanac 3.06

Almanac Returns!

Picking up where it left off, Alamanac returns with 3.06.

Available from Bandcamp with a "Name Your Own Price" deal.

01 - Back To The Barstool
02 - What Use Is Twang
03 - Baby Doll

All songs by g.w. lang

g.w.lang, Mark Oliver, Tony Bennett, Simon Foster, Andrea Woodyer and Bing Bongo.

Recorded by Jimmy Buxton for Mario's recording Services.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

SJI: The Cluny, Newcastle. 29th August 2012.

Untitled Riverside Painting by Narbi Price

Okay this was something. For those of us of a certain age and geographical location, The Riverside music venue at Newcastle was THE place to see the bands that we loved. Yes, it was out of the way, and yes it was a converted warehouse, and yes, the walls did drip when it was full, but it was the Riverside, and we loved it.

There's going to be a movie about it:

But it turns out movies aren't made for free, out of goodwill and pixie-dust. So there's been fundraising drives:

And last night a fundraising event at The Cluny. SJI were very proud to be asked to play alongside Kathryn Williams, David Brewis, and Dubstar. It was great, it really was.

01 - Avuncular
02 - Nicky Knack Guest House
03 - Anthem For The Squeezed Middle
04 - Let's Wallow In Despair (Like We Did Last Summer)
05 - Thin
06 - Eight For A Fiver
07 - Matty Cabbage House

This set was notable for seeing the last run-out of several old favourites, several of which have been quietly taken to the vet  gone to live on a beautiful farm. Yes, good old Nicky Knack, faithful old Wallow, dear old Thin, even malleable old Matty Cabbage House (oh, how we abused her, but  she was a game girl: up for owt). All gone; gone the way of all things. What will we play when we next play out? Don't ask me!

g.w.lang (Gtr, Mandolin, Vox), Tony Bennett (Dr), Bing Bongo (B), Mark Oliver (Gtr), Simon Foster (Gtr), Andrea Woodyer (Sax).

Photos by Nick Newcombe: Cheers Nick!

SJI: RecFest, Ashington. 19th August 2012.

For the second year, SJI were pleased to play at Ashington's RecFest festival at the rugby ground.

Due to the inclement weather, and the potentially fatal consequences of playing electric guitars outdoors in the rain, the RecFest line-up and stage times were spontaneously rejigged to accommodate everybody playing inside the tent.


01 - Eight For A Fiver
02 - Anthem For The Squeezed Middle
03 - Let's Wallow In Despair (Like We Did Last Summer)
04 - Thin
05 - Matty Cabbage House

g.w.lang (Gtr, Vox), Tony Bennett (Dr), Bing Bongo (B), Mark Oliver (Gtr), Simon Foster (Gtr), Andrea Woodyer (Sax).

Broadcast live to the world on Koast Radio(!)

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

SJI: Annotation Orientation

For any new visitors to the blog, can I give a quick orientation session to what you can find here.
The purpose of this blog is to try to keep a track of the insane ongoing project that is St. James Infirmary.
In here you will find set lists, video links to YouTube and to free downloads on Bandcamp and Soundcloud. Have a look around, and say hi whydoncha?

Monday, 13 August 2012

Upcoming Gig: Ashington RecFest - Sunday 19th Augsut

Check out this beautiful poster by Paul Nelson of! He's done lots of glorious posters with us on, but I think this is his best yet. Edit: I'm informed that it wasn't by Paul - sorry Paul, and sorry actual artist!

So as you can see, it's a three-day music festival, at the knock-down, drag-em-out price of £5 per day (with accompanied U15s free!)

All the information in the world here.

SJI play at 5ish on the Sunday, but don't try to set your watch by that, these things slip and slide around.

You can probably buy our new single Eight For A Fiver there. Just saying is all.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

SJI: Eight For A Fiver Video + Review

Friends! Family! Rejoice, there is now a video for the soundtrack to your summer; the singalong number one smash that is Eight For A Fiver. Compiled by Dibble Records boss Keith Thompson it features SJI in concert and in the studio. What a treat!

Looks like a fancy studio don't it? It was! Help us pay for it by buying the single, either as a digital download from:

Or if there's any left, physical CD format from Dibble Records. There are only a hundred, so when they're gone, they're gone. If you think we'll just press up another batch, you don't know g.w.lang very well.

Thanks to Peter from The Northern Line for this very nice review:

“You get to heaven and it looks a bit like Pegswood!!!”
Now if you’ve ever been to Pegswood then you might understand what G.W. Lang (Gary to his friends) is on about. This is a lyric from a long forgotten tune that St James Infirmary released on tape back in 87 or 88. Yes folks this is no new band of whippersnappers. Gary and the gang have been putting out material for 27 years. And this, “Eight for a Fiver” is their latest release. A catchy ditty about how many cans you can get for £5 in Ashington, I presume. Its reminiscent of the stomping bashfullness of Half Man, Half Biscuit. Gary is like a Mark E Smith character keeping his band going year after year. Although I doubt he has been through as many band members or wives as Mark!!!
You may remember we featured St James Infirmary a while back. They release CDs on a regular basis and give them away to fans. This “Almanac” is a treasure trove of goodies. Get in touch and they’ll send you some. Because of their kind spirit I had no doubts about sending off my money for this their first official release in years. A two track single released on the “Dibble Records” label. As well as the mightily catchy “Eight for a Fiver” (check out the video below for proof and you’ll be singing the tune in your head all day!!) It also features “Thank-you, I’m sorry, but you’re not the one I’ve been waiting for”. Which sounds like a title Dave Gedge would come up with but is in fact a folky lullaby which reminded me of “Easy Pieces” period Lloyd Cole & the Commotions!!! Anyway check this lot out. In my research for this piece I discovered another song called “Still hate Thatcher” I’ve included a link to it below. Now there’s a sentiment we share here at The Northern Line…….

Thanks also to Nick Newcombe for playing it a few times on his radio show Kick Out The Jams on Koast Radio. Cheers Nick!